So, on October 31st (yep you got it, All Hallow's Eve) i'll be joining most of my astoundingly dazzling grade eleven IB class and most of the also cool grade twelve IB class on an adventure to fight hunger! Well, technically we're splitting into groups and going trick or treating around the Stratford area. Now here's the kick; instead of collecting candy and gorging ourselves with a mixture of glucose-fructose, artificial flavours and who know's what else, we are going to go door to door and collect non-perishable food for the food bank! It should be really great, not only are we helping people, but it should be a good chance to bond a little bit more with the grade twelve class. Oh, and did I mention we're all going to dress up as nerds( the classic ones not the IB ones)... I think i'm going to do a little twist on my costume... i'm thinking sparkles? More to come!
Basically my class |
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