Yes. I know. Lately my posts have become shorter and shorter an honestly, pretty bad. I guess i just hit that wall. However, I've just scraped myself off that wall and i'm about to become the worlds best CAS blogger. Well, maybe. So, anyway, the garden project has had its ups and downs, but i think everything is on its way to be being great. The tree looks so much better (it's growing new leaves!) and everything is clean (no garbage, or at least very little!) and soon we should be able to try and fix up the water damaged and to be frank somewhat dangerous wall (the paint chips stick out and scrape you has you walk by). Also, some other people taking part in the project decided to put a bucket filled with water in it, and people have started to throw money into it, which is far better than the garbage they used to. However, i'm not totally sure what we're going to do with the money because i honestly doubt we're going to make enough to buy more than a couple packets of seeds. Maybe we can donate it to some charity, like put a little (waterproof) sign up that says "all will be donated to <insert charity here>". It would probably count for extra service. We could choose a charity that our school participates in too (like Easter Seals or something) and then just put our part in, but with things like these it means we have a time limit and i don't know if we'd make more than a couple dollars. So, we could always choose our own charity an just donate it to them in June. I'm not sure, i'll bring it up with the group sometime next week. Here are some before and after pictures of the garden just to show the improvement.

Also, Adrian dug up one of the plants that was barely surviving in the garden and transplanted it to the greenhouse where hopefully we can bring back to life. The greenhouse has become one of my favourite places; it's just so relaxing and warm and bright and despite it being a structure completely made out of windows you never feel like you're being judged because you're just there with your friends and nobody else cares. However, the greenhouse has its own problems. For example, there are about 8 (?) leaks in the ceiling and with all the rain and melting snow it's almost constantly dripping. It rips onto the tables and rots the untreated wood, plus it makes the floor slippery and muddy (which forces us to clean it EVERY day) and the drips follow some of the metal and almost a 90 degree angle and rusts it and then it drips on to the treated wood which is getting damaged despite being treated. To deal with this problem we put a whole bunch of buckets to catch the water which we then use to water the plants, however there is so much water that the buckets tend to overflow. We're trying not to waste perfectly good water, but honestly the greenhouse needs to be fixed. Apparently, it's unable to be fixed, but it's likely just too expensive or difficult. Along with the water problem, since there's no botany class this year the school has piled chairs and desks in it as extra storage and it's somewhat difficult to move around in if there's more than like 3 people. Now, on a better note we've gone planting crazy, which you can likely tell by the video i just posted. I have only had a chance to plant some black eyed Susans that i named Wanda, however everyone else planted geraniums, some basil, zinnias, snow peas, hot peppers, normal peppers, thyme, coriander and fenugreek. Plus, Adrian brought in a pineapple plant and lets just say i really want a pineapple. Anyway, i'm hoping to plant some forget me nots, some mint and maybe some stevia!