Sunday, 24 February 2013

Yearbook and Battle of the Books

The yearbook meetings seem to be coming less and less frequently, and even when they do happen they're short. I'm hoping it will pick up the pace a bit, but i guess there's really not a lot to do right now. However, we have started page editing and I've realized i'm really self conscious about my editing skills without a theme.When you have a theme, everyone has to kinda follow the basic rules. No, not every page has to look the same, but every page needs to portray the same kind of atmosphere. So, without a theme everyone is left to their own devices and with he makeup of our group i'm worried. Our committee is compromised of two types of people; the creative, fun and more colorful side and the boring, stuck in their ways and lovers of the color beige. With this combination, i think it's inevitable that some people are gonna want to do their pages with cartoon-y shapes and fun colors and others are going to be like "white, red, the end". So, pretty much i don't think the committee is on the same page and even though i'm one of the organizer leader people i don't feel i have enough power to set us on the same page without looking like a whiny little girl. I think the only person who can is Mr. Toms, but it doesn't look like he's going to any time soon. But, yeah, as i was saying with the page designing i'm feeling kind of self conscious because my page has snowflakes all over it and i'm worried it's going to be too juvenile. Many of the people involved in yearbook are grade twelves and i just have a feeling that they're not going to be impressed with my cute little snowflakes. Well, you never know; maybe this week everything will just work out.

Battle of the Books is a new CAS activity of mine. It's being put on by some students in the grade 12 class and basically you get a team of two or three and choose a book and then debate with the other teams. I think this should be a really great and fun experience, plus it's in support of the Literacy Association. I'm not sure what book we're choosing, but the theme of the debate is What book will be likely to become a classic in 100 years.

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